Guardians of the Gallery (The Sequel!)

With a record-breaking number of superheroes created in 2021, we overflowed our first gallery! Here are additional images created by kids and teens around the world and designed by a global community of artists.

Colorful Carole - Created by C. (age 14) and designed by Lauren Marshall

“To everyone at The Superhero Project –

It’s taken me a couple days to find the words to say THANK YOU for bringing such joy to our daughter, Caroline. Ever since her interview in January, she’s been dreaming about what her character might look like.  Little did either of us know just how special it would be…

She has always been my SUPERHERO, and now she has a visual of herself as one too. 

My heart is full.”

– Kris, Caroline’s mom

Click on the posters for a full view!


2021 - Guardians of the Gallery


2020 - Episode III: Return of the Character Designers