Episode III: Return of the Character Designers

2020 was a huge year for us – we passed the milestone of 500 families in December! University Hospitals commissioned a beautiful and joyful exhibit of posters for their art gallery, which inspired staff and visitors alike for nearly six months. Although our in-patient visits were put on hold due to COVID-19, we continued to interview families by phone and video chat throughout the pandemic, creating connections with kids near and far.  Our striking new website brought our exhibits online, just in time for us to participate in Cleveland Public Theatre’s Station Hope and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Finally and with great excitement, we welcomed our inaugural board members after incorporating as an official non-profit organization!

Braxton the Brave - Inspired by B. (age 3) and designed by Michela Constantin

Braxton the Brave - Inspired by B. (age 3) and designed by Michela Constantin

“Thank you so much for taking the time to make Braxton into a superhero!!  He loves it and his older brother wants to know when he gets to be one too!

I am so thankful for The Superhero Project and for the artists that take their time to make these kiddos into the heroes we all know they are.

Michela, you have done such a great job in capturing Braxton and his likes.  He especially loved the bubbles!!!  Thank you so much for your time and talent in making this for Braxton.

I am so thankful for you all.”

– Amy, Braxton’s mom


2021 - Guardians of the Gallery (The Sequel!)


2019 - Episode II: The Illustrators Strike Back